DISCLAIMER: All graphics and information on these pages are property of CM's Hippity Hops. Copyright © 2007-present - Lisa Monk- All Rights Reserved
30+ babies in the barn and more on the way. New junior pictures will be up and coming as soon
as they grow up a little bit more. It is nice to have the barn back to it good old self!!
one of the babies out of the nest box now |
Up and coming otter buck. |
Now owned by Mike Misner in Oregon
junior otter buck coming up |
out of 434/Bounty Hunter |
CM's Intern |
out of U2/KLM1 |
CM's Direct Deposit is now living with Nikki and Bianca and doing very well for them on the show table and hopefully
will become a herd buck for them as well.
CM's Direct Deposit |
out of MS3/Don |
Otter Junior Buck |
Out of CM's MS3/CN's Don |
CM's UCE3 blue otter junior doe |
out of CM's UC bred to CM's Explosion |
Otter Junior Buck CM's HD |
I love this doe and am so excited to get more litters out of her...
CM's Bounty Hunter, WT1. He has matured out to be
a great herd buck, this buck goes back to many of the animals in our barn today and is still used in the breeding program
CM's HT2 is now living in Atlanta and has won 3 BOB's out of 5 shows. They are extremely happy with him
and have his first offspring in the nest box.
Hello Lisa, I wanted to let you know about our wins this weekend. We went to Florida and got BOS in both
shows. HT2 was one show and the Black Otter Doe in the second. That was leg number 4 for HT2. The doe picked up her 2nd and
3rd leg, so now we can hopefully get her registered and granded before she gets a dulap. Just thought you would like to hear.
CM's Explosion Otter Junior Buck can you believe this is him as a junior,
most breeders would have culled him, but thanks to Theo sending young stock I was able to see how they mature out.
updated picture of CM's Explosion
When and if the day ever comes that you feel you have the best bunnies around, it is
time for you to get out. The best part of this hobby is the challenge of getting better.
CM's NX Jr (taken 02/24/2004) |
This is a junior REW buck, DOB 10-5-2004 |
CM's NX Jr |
CM's Jansen/ CN's NX |