"CM's Hippity Hops" located in Washington State

Dwarfs we have sold

Thru the last few years we have been able to not only sell some of our dwarfs locally, but also ship some thru out the United States. Here are some of them and where they are living now.

CM's Ped Otter Buck
Not sold, but gave to Celena & Jeff Porter in Texas, just a little boost

CM's Mr Express
Now lives in Canada....3rd junior REW buck at 05 Dwarf Nationals

SOLD- at ANDRC Nationals in Calif 2004
To Scot McDonald in Boston

SOLD to: Scot McDonald in New York area. This REW Buck is coming along very nice. I am very happy with him at this time, but his brother is just winning my heart more at this time. I will be showing this buck at Nationals this year....finished 6th for only being a week over 6 months. Coin/Nelson say watch out for this buck as he gets older and wider..He is full litter mate brother to CM's NX Jr..

CM's Imported Gold--6 days in NY won his first BOG
Out of CM's White Gold/ Theo's Mark Henry....Sold to Scot McDonald

CM's Oasis all gown up, click this picture
to visit her site and see the offspring she is getting from him as well

CM's Oasis
Dark Sable Marten Buck....Living with Vicki in Oregon

SOLD---at ANDRC Nationals
Otter Junior Doe

SOLD at ANDRC Nationals:
Sold to the Wycoff's


SOLD: CM's Dazzler was sold to Katie from Kingdom Lights Rabbity......

SOLD at ANDRC Nationals
To James Shaw in Calif.

SOLD: To James Shaw.....CM's Theo Son. He is going to be small, not a very big buck at this point and I don't think he will get very big. He is out of a Coin/Nelson doe I have and bred to CM's Theo who is 1/2 import. Import and Coin/Nelson lines are pretty slow in my barn to mature, so in another 6 months it will be interesting to see this guy. His father is turning out to be a great herd buck.

Straight Import Breeding
Blue Otter Doe/ 905, is father dauhter breeding

CM's Little Duplicate, is a junior otter buck that flew his way to New York along with 4 otter does from our barn and also a REW doe as well. They are now living with Kim Campbell there. He is out of the Blue Otter import doe from Theo and bred back to her father 905. This is a repeat breeding of the Number 1 buck on our home page. He should turn out to be pretty awesome and do nicely for her not only on the table but in the breeding program as well. He is a very upright bunny and very friendly as well.

Chestnut Buck
Out of CM's White Gold/ 905

CM's ?, this chestnut buck is now living with Becky King. She took over our Chestnut line and when he came around in a litter we thought of her to add some size and bone to what she already had from us. In this picture he looks like his ears are to long, but he has matured alot and is looking pretty dang good. Also is one awesome breeder and she is getting babies in the nest box from him this last month. He should add some needed size and bone to the stock she already had.

CM's Snow White
Goes back into Coin/Nelson lines

CM's Snow White was a really nice doe, we put her to work right away since she was breeding age at the time there were not many shows around our area. So we bred her a few times and kept a few daughters from her and then sent her to CT Rabbitry in Texas along with 5 others.

CM's Little Russ
Bramhall/Coin&Nelson lines

CM's Little Russ.......WOW, we loved this buck. The only thing I did not like about him was compared to like the CM's Mighty Russ he was petite. He was a Grand Champion and always did very well on the table. He even was a Runner Up in Show bunny as well. We have many daughters from him that we still us in our breeding program now. It was very hard to part with him, but at the time we had to many REW bucks and CT Rabbitry was looking for some REW's so his short straw was pulled. I believe they used him some and now is on loan to another local breeder in their area....

CT's Eddy---proud owners are CT's Rabbity in Texas
This is a 5 months old buck that is out of a CM's Little Russ daughter they got from us.

CT's Rabbitry bought some does and a buck from us last year. They have been great in keeping us updated on how they are doing and showing us the offspring of some of the stock they have bought from us. This little guy is 5 months old and is out of a CM's Little Russ daughter called CM's Little Dandy and bred to a Bramhall buck they own. He is really going to turn into a very nice rabbit and should do well on the table for them....thanks for sharing guys.